Second Stage | Amherst

Second Stage | Amherst

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Second Stage | Amherst

Mission Statement

The Mission of Second Stage | Amherst is to inspire creativity and community by providing a place where
the cultural, civic and economic vitality of Amherst County is encouraged.

Name of Public Space

Second Stage | Amherst, Inc.

City, State

Amherst, VA



Organization Overview

Second Stage | Amherst is a grass-roots organization begun seven years ago to to establish an easily accessible gathering place for arts and cultural activities, public and private events, and to house small businesses within a stately, former church building. The 19th-century Italianate Gothic sanctuary is a readymade 125-seat venue with a proscenium stage. Church offices and classrooms have been repurposed as spaces for wellness and exercise, art studios, and small businesses. Designated areas may be rented by individuals, civic and business groups.

Leased from Amherst County, the current owner, the 11,000 sq ft building has undergone extensive capital improvements completed by Second Stage including enhanced handicap accessibility, HVAC and electrical systems, renovated kitchen facilities, significant interior repairs and painting, roof upgrades and replacements, an outdoor seating patio, and improved outdoor signage and lighting. In 2021 the building was awarded State and National Historic Registry status. A public campaign to encourage volunteer involvement, civic, business and governmental partnerships is underway. Second Stage has offered its facility for lectures and community meetings, concerts and special events, summer programs for children and adults, rentals for individual and community activities, and 10 seasons of farm and artisan markets. During COVID restrictions online ordering of fresh foods and food products and remote pick up were offered. Through a grant from Centra Foundation the Second Helping program purchases foodstuffs from market vendors each week during the market season to distribute to food insecure neighbors and food banks.

Twice weekly, Second Stage welcomes, free of charge, Out and About, a program for senior citizens sponsored by the County Recreation and Parks Department.

Second Stage partners with the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA), Amherst Glebe Arts Response (AGAR), Sweet Briar College, Lynchburg Tribal Dance, the Amherst County Historical Museum, Amherst County Public Schools, the Chamber of Commerce, Town and County governments, the local DAR Chapter, VFW and American Legions posts, civic clubs, churches and other non-profit organizations to provide a vibrant, community-centered arts venue for all citizens to enjoy.

Proposal Details

How will your town or city benefit from a Levitt AMP [Your City] Music Series and how will the series reflect the three main goals of Levitt AMP: 1) Amplify community pride and the city’s unique character; 2) enrich lives through the power of free, live Music; 3) illustrate the importance of vibrant public Places?

The Town of Amherst (population 2000) is a quaint, lovely 19th century southern town struggling to enhance its natural, welcoming personality by developing its visibility as a destination and by creating events that will attract citizens and visitors to it’s downtown area on a regular basis. Its leaders understand that creating destination events will enhance it region financially and encourage pride in its citizens. The Town is located on a major north/south route that originates in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, bisects Charlottesville and Lynchburg VA and continues into the North Carolina Raleigh/Durham region and further south.

Second Stage was founded to strengthen pride, participation and appreciation of our town, paralleling these very goals. Its founding Board of Directors followed the Creative Placemaking process as its organizational philosophy, emphasizing use of local assets, resources and history, and the personality of its residents. Second Stage founders believed that social change can be led by the arts…and we have established that fact as a reality in our region. At this time the Town sponsors two parades yearly and has convened a diverse group citizens to organize two other public events that would occur annually. In the past, volunteers hosted Olde Town Amherst Day with participation by the local colleges, churches, the Monacan Nation, fire department, an old car enthusiasts and Second Stage. Overall an agrarian region, the County has recently reinstated (after a 40 year hiatus) a County Fair that has been well attended .Throughout the extended warm weather seasons in Virginia local wineries and civic groups host weekend festivities such as the Sorghum, Garlic, Apple Festivals. There is a local Brew Trail where numerous brewery and winery establishments welcome tourists for afternoon tastings. But there is no large, outdoor music-based event in our area. With very little public money available to fund these efforts there is no hired staff to organize and oversee new events yet the era of volunteers carrying the full load of organizing large events seems diminished. Application for a Main Street Program for our town is desired but we’re not ready.

A Levitt AMP Music Series award would provide the significant series of public music events that will help citizens understand and value the power of neighbors gathering in a cultural setting.

Explain how the Levitt AMP [Your City] Music Series will play a role in enlivening the selected public space and surrounding areas.

As with many young non-profits, Second Stage struggles with visibility and marketing. Communicating with citizens in a rural region with limited access to internet service is very difficult. There is a local weekly paper but the subscriber numbers are shrinking. Events listed on local websites sponsored by the Town, County and Chamber of Commerce are often not accurate or complete.

Although we offer a variety of programs, it is rare that any event or class is “sold out”. People just aren’t aware of the cultural activities in their town. The concert series the Levitt AMP Awards would sponsor would be a first in our area and be a huge opportunity for the surrounding cities and resorts. The series will compete with other regional offerings and will create a larger profile for the community and Second Stage Amherst.

Thanks for voting. Online public voting is closed!